Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

Overview "Hyperzette" articles: Destinations in alphabetical order by Grids L - Z

I want to give a little overview of the contents of the Hyperzette's articles of the past. Not included the promotions for events. The next 3 days you will get an overview of the articles, about the reviews of destinations, art regions, shopping possibilities and portraits and interviews about interesting people in the OpenSim community and their works. The middle column will have the links to the appropriate article (if a review is divided in parts it will link to the first part).
Grid Article as Link Date
Metropolis Astral-Matrix 14.06.14
Metropolis Carima-Angles 23.07.14
Metropolis Carima-Castle 30.10.14
Metropolis Carima-Elwyne 06.09.14
Metropolis Carima-Hills 23.10.14
Metropolis Carima-Magic 06.09.14
Metropolis Carima-Wood 15.07.14
Metropolis Carima-Valley 01.08.14
Metropolis Dark*Ocean 02.07.14
Metropolis Destroyed 25.10.14
Metropolis Dreamt Forest 12.06.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Baerenfels 25.07.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Brachtann 29.07.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Donnerpass 30.08.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Duesterwald 20.07.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Falkenbruch 05.08.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Handelsstadt 25.08.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Hochtal 22.08.14
Metropolis Hohenburg – Sturmbach 11.08.14
Metropolis Korralandin – World of Fantasy 23.08.14
Metropolis La Unna 27.08.14
Metropolis Lys Insel 24.05.14
Metropolis MB Estate 29.05.14
Metropolis Riff Raff 04.09.14
Metropolis The Neverhood 21.05.14
Metropolis The Shire (Auenland) 02.06.14
Metropolis Weltraumbahnhof Spike Sol 18.05.14
Metropolis Wunderland 28.05.14
Nara's Nook Greyville 26.09.14
OSGrid Conundrum 19.08.14
OSGrid Gardenia 30.06.14
OSGrid HyperGrid Depot 21.05.14
OSGrid Steam 10.06.14
OSGrid Virunga Mountain 12.08.14
Outworldz Virunga Mountain (Rosamond Carr) 18.10.14
Pathlandia Pathlandia 10.09.14
Selea's World Blue Dream 04.11.14
Selea's World Winter Magic 14.11.14

Other Overviews in Alphabetical Orders by Grid: 

Hyperzette: Destinations A - K
Hyperzette: Art
Hyperzette: Shopping

Hyperzette: Portraits and Interviews

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