Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014

Destination: Azura

After the visit of "Aufferville", the themed region of reproductions of historical buildings of a real French village by the same name, my travel on the Ipsofacto Grid takes me to "Azura".

At the first glance it looks like the region represents the science fiction side of Prodyck Theas, the artist and owner of the Grid.
The most prominent object on the region is a giant blue sphere, whose surface is in a steady flow of green and blue texture. The sphere itself is translucent which gives view to its inners. One can enter the sphere, via a hallway at the Northern side of the sphere.

The next bigger object is a model of the space cruiser "Enterprise"

The Hypergate next to the "Enterprise" is not working, either yet or anymore, I can't tell.
The futuristic looking water vehicle in the vicinity seems to be more artwork then usable for transportation.

To reach the other end of the region you have to cross a small canal via the blue tiles swimming in the water.

A platform build on a mountain but reaching far over it, is taking most interest of the whole arrangement on this part of the region. In big letters one can read "L'art c'est la vie" which translates to "Art is Life" and inside one will find another gallery of Prodyck

After the visit of the gallery, I walked over the region and here are some impressions. Best, as ever, is to breathe the virtual air of this region by yourself !

After I spend a bit of time at the place with the tent and the little banquet, I continued to the last region of the artful grid "Ipsofacto" named "Ipso-Loop", which again has a more historical character.

Ipsofacto Region Azura

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