Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014

Destination: Ignis and Coorhagen

The Grid "Ignis Fatuus" proudly announces that the Grid is now running on a new server and on a 24/7 base. So one can visit the Grid all around the clock. And the server is a great improvement. Forget about the lag in former times and enjoy the world now.
With the new server, "Ignis Fatuus" installed a new default arrival region called "Ignis". Its just a little round plattform in the middle of the sea build up in the typical "Ignis Fatuus" manner.

The great help there is the map which shows all the 40 regions of "Ignis Fatuus", layed out as Teleporters to each of the shown regions. A big help for a traveller like me.

Max Hill, a member of the Ignis community, told me, that the new server already improved by having the HG Safari horde (in this case, horde is meant in a positive way ;-)) as guests. And we all know that the Safaristas are a many to count and resource eaters. Grins. But the server did not even take notice about it, in the meaning of performance restriction.
The address to "Ignis Fatuus" is kept the same, so no worries to change any LM.
But my aim for today is "Coorhagen" and using the new map, I teleport myself to that region.
Just a click and a few seconds later I find myself on "Coorhagen 128.127.28" position.

"Coorhagen" seems to be an area where a humanoid lizard species live.

The flora and the buildings as odd as the inhabitants

All over the place one can find yellow orange crystals reaching out of the meadow

One of the prominent buildings on "Coorhagen" is a round building which top ends in a tower. From this main building four arms reach out to four smaller towers at the end of the arms. But this is an architectural "no go". All gravity defiance the outer towers have no connection to the ground and only connected to the arms, which are bridges, too.

The lower level of the middle building is build like an old roman circus with nice texturing. And some nice looking cats strolling in the lower level of the room. Good to be on the roundwalk above the pets.

All over the area one finds smaller pavilions or gazebos, but my interest is a church like building on a smaller island, to be reached by a stone and wood bridge and an odd rock formation which reaches way up in the sky.

Using the bridge to get to the church, one will end up underneath it, in a cave system.

The church itself is build in a cross form with a big bell right in the middle inside the building. Nice painted glass windows in gothic architecture forming the walls.

In the sky over "Coorhagen" one finds a few of those skyrocks you can see above other regions, too, build up in different ways, some pure nature, some holding buildings.

Because the rock formation belongs to an adjacent region of "Coorhagen", I will keep that for a later story about "Ignis Fatuus". For now I will find myself a nice place for a rest and say "Au revoir".

Ignis Fatuus Region Coorhagen and Ignis

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014

RP Carima Region Carima - Castle (Teil 1)

Dunkel, fast schwarz, erheben sich die Gemäuer der Burg aus dem Meer in die, von steilen Felsen umgebene, Bucht. Es gibt nur den einen Zugang zur Burg, über eine steinerne Brücke. Aus einem der wenigen Fenster fällt ein schwaches Licht nach draussen.

Ich befinde mich wieder auf "Carima", besser gesagt vor der Burg "Carima Castle", um der Hausherrin meine Ehre zu erweisen. Wochen zuvor wurde sie mir von Erdmute Rebemvon, der Schäferin, vorgestellt. Wieder war eins ihrer Kälber erkrankt und Lady Laisa sah sich das Tier an. Nach kurzer Untersuchung überreichte sie Erdmute einen Flacon mit, wie sie sagte "Medizin", die dem Tier helfen solle und es auch tat.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit kam ich mit Lady Laisa ins Gespräch und wir verabredeten uns, daß ich ihre Burg besichtigen dürfte. Und nun stehe ich hier vor dem doch etwas unheimlichen Gemäuer, beobachtet von zwei steinernen Gesellen links und rechts des Portals. Vielleicht hätte ich doch eine sonnenbeschienene Tageszeit wählen sollen.

Sollte ich es wagen das Gebäude zu betreten ?
Während ich noch diesen Gedanken nachhänge, höre ich Geräusche hinter mir. Ich blicke mich um und sehe wie sich mir eine Gruppe nähert. Ich erkenne Primus Caproni, den Stadthalter, Bluemoon Sweetrain, die königliche Waldhüterin, sowie Anna Carlberg, deren Stand mir unbekannt ist, und hinter allen kommt ein kleines Mädchen, im Alter von ca 10 - 12 Jahren, angetanzt, die sich mir als Leonie vorstellt. Ich erzähle von meinem Treffen mit Lady Laisa und erneut warnt man mich vor dieser Dame. Sie sei unheimlich sagt man mir.

Nach längerer Wartezeit, ohne das Lady Laisa erscheint, übernimmt Bluemoon die Führung und marschiert geradewegs auf die Wachen zu, um diese zu bestechen, wie sie sagt. Dieses Unterfangen scheint auch von Erfolg gekrönt, denn sie gibt uns ein Zeichen, ihr, an den Wachen vorbei, zu folgen. Leonie läuft recht unbedarft auf Bluemoon zu, was uns etwas besorgt dreinschauen lässt. Doch auch wir bewegen uns, die Wachen grüssend, in den Burghof.

Kaum haben wir die beiden Wachleute hinter uns gelassen, müssen wir uns sofort um Leonie kümmern, die zu einem unheimlichen Gesellen gelaufen ist, der eine doch ziemlich grosse Tarantel bewacht, und in Begleitung eines nicht freundlich aussschauenden Wolfs ist. Der Schnelligkeit Bluemoons ist es zu verdanken, das Kind rechtzeitig vor Erreichen des Gesellen zurückzuziehen, denn dieser war mit seiner Lanze schon in eine gefährlich aussehende Angriffsstellung gegangen. Auch dem Wolf sträubten sich die Haare und er fletschte, gefährlich knurrend, die Zähne. In einem gewissen Sicherheitsabstand marschieren wir vorsichtig an diesem Ort vorbei und auch der Spinnenhüter und sein vierbeiniger Freund scheinen sich daraufhin wieder zu beruhigen. 

Während sich unsere Blicke noch auf die Spinne und ihren Hüter konzentrieren, hören wir schon wieder das schrille Gerufe der Göre Leonie: "Boah, cool ! Schaut mal hier !"
Aufgeschreckt drehen wir uns um und sehen das Kind, einige Treppenstufen unter uns, an einem Fenster, aus dem ein Leuchten nach außen dringt. Schnell laufen wir die Treppen herunter, um diese Göre einzufangen. Als wir am Fenster angelangt sind, sehen wir durch das Fenster das grelle Leuchten eines seltsamen kugelförmigen Plasmas, um das sich eine vierköpfige Gruppe von Menschen aufgestellt hat. Ihre Körperhaltung lässt vermuten, daß sie sich in einer Art Trance befinden.

Noch während wir durch das Fenster schauen, hören wir das Knarren einer nahen Tür und bemerken das Verschwinden von Leonie. Uns wird klar, daß dieses Kind gerade auf dem Weg in dieses Zimmer ist und Bluemoon ist es, die dem Kind wieder hinterher hechtet......

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014

2 Jahre Anette's Welt Party

2 Jahre besteht nun das Grid "Anette's Welt" von Anette Hummel. Ein Grund zum Feiern

Gefeiert wird am
1. November 2014
20:15 Uhr
auf der Region
im Grid
Anette's Welt

Für den musikalischen Teil der Party sorgt
DJane Spike

Anette's Welt Region Saturna

Portrait: Selea Core

The fact that "The Hyperzette" is publishing a series about "Selea's World" regions, I spent a bit of time there and sure met Selea Core in pixelperson. I took the chance to ask her a few questions, which I am permitted by Selea to be published.

Hi Selea, to get to your Grid Selea's World, one has to visit Have you run your own grid from the beginning or did you start your virtual career somewhere else ?
May you tell a bit of your virtual history ?


Like most of us, I started in SL. At some point, I met a real nice couple. They bought a house and as a gift, I made them "Wall Art" that included matching sets for each room and some real cute ones for their daughter's room. They were amazed at my talent and suggested I should sell my creations on the SL marketplace. The difference in my "Wall Art" was that every piece had a matching frame. After a month or so, I had made enough money to afford renting a 1024 x 1024 region. That was the beginning of me building.

After almost 2 years, I got bored with SL. While I was at my favorite place, I met someone that told me about OSGrid. He showed me how to get there. He let me stay on one of his rented region and after a few months, I decided to get my own. Learning how to have your own region on your own PC was a hellish learning curve. But a lot of people from the OSGrid forum were super nice with helping me.

What made me like OSGrid over Second Life, was the total freedom. No more upload fees. No more silly permissions on items I paid for. I already knew how to make textures. I was a builder. Nothing could stop me now :)

Is your main object in virtual worlds to build or do you have other ideas as well you follow ?

I build, I create, I share. As of now, no other ideas come to mind :)

Can you tell the readers what kind of creations you build and offer ?

Gawd, the list would really be too long. To make it short, anything from a single flower to a fully furnished and scripted house.

What do you like most to create ?

Magical items. I am ... after all ... an Elf :)

Any clothings in the offer?

I make my own clothes and I doubt anyone else would like them. So ... no ... LOL

With all those talent and well designed objects you create, why do you give them away as freebies and do not sell them for example on the Kitely Marketplace ?

In SL, I made a lot of real dollars. But like most over there, I became paranoid with my stuff being stolen. That was zapping the fun right of everything SL. While I was snooping around SL, someone mentioned Linda Kellie's Freebies.
I did some research on her and read her blog. Mind you, I won't go into a personal opinion of that blog, but something stuck in my mind. The explanation as to why she was giving it away, Free and Full Perm. To me that made perfect sense. To be free of all that paranoia. To just share without negative emotions.
I deleted all my items from the SL Marketplace. That was the first step. By then, I was getting familiar with OSGrid. I started with my Elf Art Gallery. At first, to be honest, I was selling. After a second person bought some of my art, I decided to make the move. I reimbursed both clients with an explanation that I was going Free and Full Perm.
I hope this explains why I won't sell on the Kitely Market or anywhere else for that matter :)

Your creations are done as sculpties but also in MESH. Will you change to MESH in the future or stay with sculpties as well ?

It depends on the item. I create most of my own textures and I am not ready to give up how they look on some MESH items. A lot of my items are created with the 3 of them. Natural prims, MESH and sculpties.

Which tools are you are using to create your items ?

To build, I use the Singularity viewer and all it offers to help me achieve an item.
I started using Blender to help me MESH.
I use Paint Shop Pro for all my graphics. : building materials, flowers, most of my textures.
My biggest inspiration is Google Images :)

How many regions does your Grid count ? Are those only sales Grids or do you have others like Showcase Grids, too? If so can you name them please ?

I hope this list is not too long :)
Aqua Fantasia ... Freebies --- landscaping needs for underwater and sea level
Blue Dream ... NO Freebies --- just a nice place to visit.
Elf Art Gallery ... Freebies --- wall art and also a nice place to walk around
Houses ... Freebies --- different houses I've created and build over the years
Landscaping - Botanical ... Freebies --- flowers, plants, trees and more
Landscaping - Decorations ... Freebies --- planters, fences, water wells and more
Magical Fantasy ... Freebies --- many items to make your magical world come true
Mini Mall ... Freebies --- 4 in 1 region containing Gift Shop, Outdoor Furniture sets, Outdoor Scenes and Textures.
Depending on the Holiday, 1 or 2 regions are always reserved for that Holiday.
Right now, there is the
Halloween region ... Freebies ... items you might like to spook your visitors :)
This region will go offline on November 1st
In a few weeks these regions will go online
Winter Freebies --- anything from landscaping needs to some already linked scenes.
Winter Magic --- NO Freebies ... just my fantasy of a magical winter, created with most of the items you can get at the winter freebies region :)

The other regions I have are private :)

Are you running on a homeserver or a VPS ? Are you connected to the hyperverse on 24/7 base?

Home server and connected 24/7, except for about 10 minutes in my early AM Eastern Time, taking time to reboot all regions.

What are the plans for the future ?

Some kind of Selea's Home Depot ... lol.
Building parts, indoor furniture and decorations.

Thank you very much for this interview

Thank you for asking :)

Interviewpartner: Selea Core
For the "Hyperzette": zaphod Enoch

Selea's World Grid

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

Art & Destination: ShapeShifter

Universe: NGrid
Planet: ShapeShifter

Flightlevel: 520

est. Coordinates: 62.107:

est. Coordinates: 105.91:

est. Coordinates: 158.123:

Flightlevel: 280

est. Coordinates: 28.107:

est. Coordinates: 51.114:

est. Coordinates: 78.100:

est. Coordinates:83.85:

est. Coordinates:230.164:

Flightlevel 50

est. Coordinates:129.143:

est. Coordinates:159.223:

est. Coordinates:147.167:

est. Coordinates:177.206:

est. Coordinates:92.149:

est. Coordinates:211.229:

Flightlevel 19

est. Coordinates:141.184:

ShapeShifter: FeliX Ringtail

Much More To See And To Explore
Coming Back Later
(Co~to~Ta = Copy to Take)

NGrid Region ShapeShifter

Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

Shopping: Selea's World (Magical Fantasy)

When arriving on the landing platform at "Selea's World" and turning to South, you'll find the teleporters to the wonderland regions of Selea Core's freebie world. One of the destinations is "The Magical Fantasy" and my aim for for this time.

Looking from a birds eye view onto the region, one can see that a big selection is waiting to be picked. And this will be confirmed when looking at the information and teleport board in the landing area.

As almostevery time, I decided to walk the region and the first I went to, were Module 1 with carriages, lanterns, fountains and other fantasy shapes and objects.

Module 2 offers all kinds of different grasses and bushes.

Mushrooms please or Forest Lanterns? See Module 3 !

Module 4 will offer Fantasy animals and Off Sim Sceneries.

Module Number 5 shows and gives all kind of furnitures of the fantasy kind.

You shouldn't miss Module 6, if you are on the search for fanatsy bushes and butterflies flying.

Have I mentioned Module 7 and the happy bushes, yet ?

Or the gorgeous fantasy trees at Module 8.

Sculpted Flowers for everyone at Module 9.

10 is for the Unicorns, a trellis set, dance pose balls and Dragon figurines.

Module 11 gives outdoor equipment and building parts like gazebos, lamp holders and dwellings.

With Module Number 12 we come to the end. Here you'll have the possibility to take crystal trees and water plants

So you want to endow your region with some fantasy stuff it's a need to have a look at Selea's Magical Fantasy

Selea's World Magical Fantasy fantasy