Sonntag, 31. August 2014

Rock 'n' Roll Party on Region Saturna

The "Metroberfest" on the Grid METROPOLIS is coming closer and the organizers intend to run this big event on a region using the Arriba Software. Due to the lack of experience with this version of the OpenSim software we like to make a performance test combined with a 2 hour party with Rock 'n' Roll tunes from the 50's to the 70's.

Friday September 5th, starting at 21:00 CET, 12 pm pdt
on the region

We hope to welcome as much visitors as the region can take. The stream is set for
Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Frankie Ford, Little Richard, Chubby Checker and many many more.

METROPOLIS Region Saturna

Das Theater "Die Kulturschaukel" kommt nach METROPOLIS

Das Ensemble des Theaters "Die Kulturschaukel" probt seit Juni diesen Jahres an ihrem ersten Theaterstück im METROPOLIS Grid. Seit 2008 gibt es das Theater unter der Leitung von Rubeus Helgerud und zaphod Enoch. Zunächst in SL, später in Avination und nun in METROPOLIS.

Und nun ist es soweit. Am  
Sonntag dem 07. September um 20:00 Uhr 
ist Premiere des Stücks
im Theater
  auf der Region

In 10 kleinen Szenen dreht sich alles um die Kindererziehung:

Stress im Kindergarten:
Darsteller: Rubeus Helgerud

Gute Nacht Geschichte (Achtung Schleichwerbung):
Darsteller: Lampithaler   Stimme: zaphod Enoch

Colloquium im Uterus:
Stimme: Ichimomo Nakamura, zaphod Enoch

Drei Faule:
Vortragender Darsteller: Rubeus Helgerud

Darsteller: Lampithaler, Rubeus Helgerud

Das eigensinnige Kind:
Vortragender Darsteller: Rubeus Helgerud

Frau Wendriner:
Darsteller: Lampithaler, Ichimomo Nakamura, zaphod Enoch

Das allzeit zufriedene Knäblein:
Vortragender Darsteller: Lampithaler

Darsteller: Lampithaler, Ichimomo Nakamura, Rubeus Helgerud, zaphod Enoch

Vortragender Darsteller: Rubeus Helgerud.

Dramaturgie und Regie: Rubeus Helgerud
Produktion und Technik: zaphod Enoch

Die Dauer des Stücks beträgt ca. 45 Minuten und wird Live in deutscher Sprache gespielt. Aus diesem Grund ist Voice unbedingt erforderlich. Bei Benutzung eines Headsets bitten wir das Publikum, ihre Mikrofone abzuschalten.
Um den Lag so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, bitten wir auch darum, am Körper getragene Scripte auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Ebenso ist eine Sichtweite um die 60 m während der Aufführung mehr als ausreichend. Wir empfehlen auch die eingeblendeten Namen auszublenden.

Nun hoffen wir nur noch Euch eine kurzweilige Stunde zu bieten.
Das Ensemble "Die Kulturschaukel"

METROPOLIS Region Beeblebrox Parzelle Kulturschaukel

Scheduled events METROPOLIS Week 36

Known events in METROPOLIS Grid for the upcoming week 36:

Samstag, 30. August 2014

Destination Hohenburg "Donnerpass"

Part of the regions border between "Handelsstadt" and "Donnerpass" crosses the middle of the village. So the first building on "Donnerpass" is the shipyard of the village "Hohenburg Handelsstadt".

But "Donnerpass" is mainly an island at the Western edge of the "Hohenburg" region complex.

Another building on the mainland part of "Donnerpass" is the harbour tower at the end of the quay. I guess it is build for the harbour master but no indication is given if this profession is even available.

The island itself seems not being populated. The scenery is charming with waterfalls, a smaller forest and it's worth to dive a bit in the western waters. The western hilly part does not show any planting but low grass or sheer rock.

The Western part is not really walkable because of the rocky area with its steep slopes into the sea. There is just a small flat area in the East you can walk. And there, one will meet some odd looking figures.

And I am not going to tell you anything about the ghost vessel. No. I don't.

After my excursion of the isle "Donnerpass" I  met Scarlett Earp. She told me that the development of the region and especially the isle is not finished yet.

Anyway, that's it for now. The reviews of the roleplay regions of "Hohenburg Handelsstadt" has find its end.
All the regions are very detailed, gorgeous and exciting to discover. There are many nice places I haven't described in my reviews. The people over there are very friendly and helpful. So if you meet one just say 'Hello'.
Taking a profession you participate not only in the roleplay but also in a trading system that is unique in the Virtual Worlds.
If for example you are a baker, you need flour, water, eggs and salt and of course some burning material like coals or wood to bake a bread. This you will get at the other professions as there are miller, farmer or at the salt mine for a (virtual) virtual currency used in the game (and its only for the need in the roleplay and of no use outside).
Selling the bread, which needs it time to be completed and baked, will give you the money back that you have paid for the ingredients plus a little bit more for your work. Which again gives you the possibility to buy candles or a book or spend it at the tavern.
As said the system is unique and very complex.
The realization of the roleplay and the idea to include the trading system into the game is by Scarlett Earp.
Scripter and developer of the trading system is Sixtus Majus.
And if you are interested in the roleplay get in touch with Scarlett Earp.

At the end I will give a listing of all the reviews given about the regions belonging to the role play of "Handelsstadt Hohenburg" as links:

- Das Rollenspiel 
- Duesterwald
- Baerenfels
- Brachtann
- Falkenbruch
- Sturmbach 
- Hochtal 
- Handelsstadt 
- Donnerfels
- Sonnental

Because of the fact that "Sonnental" is not fully completed yet, I left it out for a later review. The region will be an oriental trading outpost within the role play.
As Scarlett told me "Hochtal" is under a reconstruction at the moment, but all this does not affect the game play at all.

METROPOLIS Region Donnerpass

Freitag, 29. August 2014

Destination: Devokan

When coming to "Devokan" on the Kitely Grid, agree on the windlight settings recommended by the builder and owner Paislee Myrtle.
As it says in the profile "Devokan" is 'A meeting place for all Devokan friends and lovers of Uru and all things Myst'.
When I arrived there, my landing point was next beside a little round hut on the 4 region counting area of "Devokan", which is the D'ni word for 'Hope'.

Inside the hut you only find a small humidor and a grandfathers clock. That's it. Setting your sounds on, one will hear a steady waterflow but all kinds of strange sounds in its background which gives a very immersive feeling.
From the hut two bridges lead from the island, the hut is standing on, and one arrives at a strange looking platform with four ancient looking gates set up on the cardinal points. In the middle one will find a turning blue sphere in a cage like structure. To understand its meaning one has to be familiar with Uru or Myst, I guess.

Before trying to fly to the Skyrocks which float all over the area, I decided to discover the things on the surface first. So I took the way to the North.

Here now a few impressions of the mysterious landscape of "Devokan"

Walking over "Devokan" you are either walking on narrow ridges or in a crater like valley. While the ridges do not have any planting the valleys have and some buildings the meaning of which is not clear to me.

After the walk over the main island I investigated some islands in the vicinity. The smaller one seems to be a landing platform for some kind of rocket. I could identify a door but could not open it. But the camera view gives a view of an interesting interior, one does not suspect there.

From there I started a quick flight over to the neighboured bigger island. In fact it wasn't a big island but an accumulation of a number of small ones.

Tree houses are build in the large firs and bigger houses on the small land areas, reaching into the water with parts. All the houses are empty or sparsely furnished. Some water vehicles are laying on the jetties.

With that I finished my ground investigations and started to check on the Skyrocks and the buildings there posed some puzzle to me. But see for yourself.

Exploring the worlds of "Devokan" is a mystic wander in a fantasy world full of enigmas.
It's a great place to visit and to be inspired by the works of Paislee Myrtle.
Tipping my hat.

Kitely Region Devokan

Donnerstag, 28. August 2014

Destination: Avernus

"Avernus" is located South of "Point du Jour" and West of "Forest Dragon Tower" on the Grid Ignis Fatuus. One of its prominent places is the cathedral at the Eastern border to "Forest Dragon Tower".

Coming form the Northeastern corner of the region I started my way there to end my discovery tour at the cathedral. At the brginning the region is a moderate hilly terrain. On one of the hills three virgins (?!) feed a smaller pond, whose water running down the hill in a rapid stream.

Following the water flow it ends in a small water hole and trickled away into the ground.

After a short walk I reached a road that leads from West to East into the town of "Avernus". In the distance one can see the towers of the castle on "Forest Dragon Tower".

The town is build as a typical old french small farmer's village, with tudor style and stone houses.

After strolling the streets of the village for quite a bit of time and seeing some interesting things I finally reached the two tower cathedral. But this cathedral is not an ordinary one. Many religions are coming together within its walls.

And again there is a secret underneath the floor of the building

Another great region build by the Ignis Fatuus Team. And check on the items you will see, some are to 'copy take', like the flying carpet (unscripted).
My next destination will be "Nosgoth". Meet you there.

Ignis Fatuus Region Avernus

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

Destination: La Unna

It's a piece of sand in the middle of the sea. To be more precise it is a small oasis, two smaller square buildings, an obelisk and a pyramid you will see, when coming to "La Unna"

There is much more behind the walls one will discover when entering the buildings. But before I entered the those, I visited the oasis.
There is not much to tell about the watering place. Just, that it carries some interesting plants.

From the oasis I walked to the obelisk. And the obelisk is what it was in ancient Egypt, a news reader in hieroglyphs. Hard work for the typesetters (in this case stone engravers).

Because I could not read a word on it my interest turned to the adjacent flat building. It contains some uncommon women clothings. Not many, but exclusive and in the most exotic.

Curious what the other building will show me, I went over there. Here you will find 5 exotic male outfits.

From here I started my way to the pyramid to investigate on it. As I have seen from a distance steps lead to an entrance.

At the end of the stairs you enter a little floor with both ends blocked by stone doors. One of the blocks you can move and it slides to open to a longer floor behind.

And this is the start of a walk through a fantastic maze inside the pyramid. You have to check it out by yourself . I will only give a few impressions and not a walk through ;-)
And......on some places you better run.

It's great fun to walk through the pyramid and find the .............
And the developer of all this fun is Unna Tuwa. Tipping my hat.

METROPOLIS Region La Unna Unna