Coming to the "Pandora" region on Nara's Nook Grid it is full of surprises. As I have posted about the Storytelling areas, the Dixieland Band and the Poetic Pearls. I now visited the skyrock called "Dragon's Shift".
To get there you have to teleport to "Pandora" . Best for this is to use the map instead the teleport board, which was out of order at the moment of my visit.
Being at "Pandora" the arrival zone has changed to my last visit. This time you will land on a platform next beside a teleport pad. Click on it and you will get a menu with a selection of the Pandora Local destinations. And here I choose 'Dragon_Shift'.
Arriving on "Dragon's Shift" sky rock you will find yourself in the back of a Gazebo. You have to walk around it to get to the entrance. There you see a black panther sleeping on the stairs and a board behind which says:
'Ye shall find yer riddle
amongst the panthers.
Seek and choose the correct one.
Say the word in chat and
if correct you may exit
Good luck and enjoy'
By clicking on the black panther you will get a notecard with the first riddle you have to solve. I will not tell you what it asks for but it has to do with the items lying on a nearby table.
Choose wise and the door will open.
After you have wrote the right word of the item in the chat, the door will open and walking through, you will find another hint of the dragon and the man. The next black panther will give you another riddle.
Solving it will open the next door to give you another problem you have to face.
'Ponder the paver's yonder and think upon these words....'
With that the last door will open and then.....
...well see by yourself !
"Dragon Shift" a cooperative work of Nara Malone and Shannan Albright (Author of the Riddle)
Nara's Nook Grid, Region Pandora "Dragon's Shift"
Teleport to "Dragon's Shift"
Samstag, 31. Januar 2015
Freitag, 30. Januar 2015
5 Jahre Dorena's World Schlußveranstaltung
Als letztes Event unserer Jubiläumsreihe präsentiert Anachron unter dem Titel
"Nicht ganz dicht"
Dichtung und Prosa (teils aus der Tonkonserve, aber z.T. auch live vorgetragen).
Wir hören im Amphitheater auf der GridTalk-Region
Texte von Christian Morgenstern, Kurt Tucholzky, Heinz Erhardt und Anderen.
Begin 20:00 Uhr (CET)
![[Bild: Nicht-ganz-dicht-Plakat.jpg]](
Dorena's World Grid, Region GridTalk
Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015
Roleplay United Federation Starfleet: Where is the Canteen ?
After this first lesson, now I know how to say "Hello", to walk the right way, to use fork and knife for the meals the right way and to talk the right a military manner. Even the Ladies are "Sirs" ?! And I am dressed the correct way (well maybe more less, then less more).
Anyway, now is the time to make the mind up, what I want to be within the fleet. Eight branches to chose from (remember the Command branch is a branch you will be called in. I think the requirement for that is a whole bunch of badges you are wearing on your uniform, and the holes of the fixation needles of all those badges, will force you to get a new uniform anyway)
After a good hour of thinking, I decided to join the Science Branch (explore, discover and examine or whatever awaits me is the right thing for a writer as I think I am).
With this decision made my fortune sends me into another class, this time specific for the branch.
"Next class for Science Branch in 30 min. Report to Galileo classroom at elevenhundred" , it shrills out of the loudspeakers inside the main building. (For the ones not knowing elevenhundred means 11:00 o'clock).
Half an hour ? Time enough to explore the building and maybe to find the location of that Galileo classroom.
I took the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor of the HQ Building.
This floor is used for relaxation, fitness and recreation from an exhausting day in the classroom.
You can choose among running wheels, yoga mats, benches for strength training and a zen garden in a rest room.
On the next upper floor you will find the Instruction rooms DaVinci and Galileo (yeah found it). Beside that there are a few offices.
Okay what's next ? Elevator, floor number 3 and off it goes. Not much with it. Just emptiness and a wall of plywood. (Not even worth a picture).
The next floor is of more interest again, is it the medical center as it looks to be.
I can see through glass walls and doors an examination room on one side and the Sickbay at the other end of the floor. In between the doctors have their offices.
Fifth level of the building. Big room with nothing in but a object called Rezzer and above the World "Alien Exhibition" hovering. A click on the object and...................
hmmmm...........................nothing happens. Okay must be some invisible alien species I just triggered alive. Let me get out of here quick. (I can see the news headlines already: "Invasion of the Unseen - Cadet opened the door at UFS Academy and the Invisibles took over command of UFS"). >
Next upper level and I am at another level which is waiting on its purpose.
So level 7 may show more interesting things. Truly it does. I find myself in the Uniform Storage Section. One I do know already.
Number 8 level contains one of those funny rezzing objects for translucent aliens. Quickly I hit the button for level 9.
This is kind of a showroom, showing pictures of all the commanders of the Startrek Anthology.
Plus a room for Command: Visiting Officers and conference rooms.
"Class will start in 2 mins. Cadets report to Galileo Class room, immediately"
Sorry folks have to hurry. "Sir, On my way, Sir"
3rd Rock Grid, Region Starfleet Astraios astraios
Anyway, now is the time to make the mind up, what I want to be within the fleet. Eight branches to chose from (remember the Command branch is a branch you will be called in. I think the requirement for that is a whole bunch of badges you are wearing on your uniform, and the holes of the fixation needles of all those badges, will force you to get a new uniform anyway)
After a good hour of thinking, I decided to join the Science Branch (explore, discover and examine or whatever awaits me is the right thing for a writer as I think I am).
With this decision made my fortune sends me into another class, this time specific for the branch.
"Next class for Science Branch in 30 min. Report to Galileo classroom at elevenhundred" , it shrills out of the loudspeakers inside the main building. (For the ones not knowing elevenhundred means 11:00 o'clock).
Half an hour ? Time enough to explore the building and maybe to find the location of that Galileo classroom.
I took the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor of the HQ Building.
This floor is used for relaxation, fitness and recreation from an exhausting day in the classroom.
You can choose among running wheels, yoga mats, benches for strength training and a zen garden in a rest room.
On the next upper floor you will find the Instruction rooms DaVinci and Galileo (yeah found it). Beside that there are a few offices.
Okay what's next ? Elevator, floor number 3 and off it goes. Not much with it. Just emptiness and a wall of plywood. (Not even worth a picture).
The next floor is of more interest again, is it the medical center as it looks to be.
I can see through glass walls and doors an examination room on one side and the Sickbay at the other end of the floor. In between the doctors have their offices.
Fifth level of the building. Big room with nothing in but a object called Rezzer and above the World "Alien Exhibition" hovering. A click on the object and...................
hmmmm...........................nothing happens. Okay must be some invisible alien species I just triggered alive. Let me get out of here quick. (I can see the news headlines already: "Invasion of the Unseen - Cadet opened the door at UFS Academy and the Invisibles took over command of UFS"). >
Next upper level and I am at another level which is waiting on its purpose.
So level 7 may show more interesting things. Truly it does. I find myself in the Uniform Storage Section. One I do know already.
Number 8 level contains one of those funny rezzing objects for translucent aliens. Quickly I hit the button for level 9.
This is kind of a showroom, showing pictures of all the commanders of the Startrek Anthology.
Plus a room for Command: Visiting Officers and conference rooms.
"Class will start in 2 mins. Cadets report to Galileo Class room, immediately"
Sorry folks have to hurry. "Sir, On my way, Sir"
3rd Rock Grid, Region Starfleet Astraios astraios
Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015
Destination: Transgenia
Once upon a time a WebSide existed, where one could download all those mind bending fantasy objects for free. I can't remember the URL and do not know if it still exists.
And then I read the name again, where those objects belong to: "Transgenia" on Kitely Grid. But if you think you could get any of the objects there, which had been free for everybody will be disappointed. Only Kitely residents are able to take what I will show you in a short. Unfortunately the unset or wrong set Exportflag will hinder any foreigner to take something.
Bummer !
Anyway, Daniel Hoffman did a fantastic job in building the region "Transgenia" on the Kitely Grid. And to prove that I will take you around on my journey on this piece of virtual land.
But what is Transgenia about ? That is what the profile in the kitely region showcase says:
'A world in flux, Transgenia is evolving slowly after its discovery by an ill-fated research expedition. Arriving, they found a simple world, covered only in oceans, low land masses, and what looks to be bright green algae.
As soon as they began interacting with the eco-system, however... it began to change. It took DNA from them, from their plants and animals, and incorporated it into itself, evolving, mutating, becoming more complex.
And it also changed the colonists one by one, until they disappeared.
Only one is left... and he is not human.'
With all that said, there is not much left for me to tell. So lean back and see some impressions of this incredible world, which is build on three levels. To get there you have to find the appropriate teleporters or transport possibilities on the ground. By the way I survived the visit and came back home save.
For the rest to see, you have to go there, and there is a lot to see. Have a nice Transgenia Day
Kitely Grid, Region Transgenia
And then I read the name again, where those objects belong to: "Transgenia" on Kitely Grid. But if you think you could get any of the objects there, which had been free for everybody will be disappointed. Only Kitely residents are able to take what I will show you in a short. Unfortunately the unset or wrong set Exportflag will hinder any foreigner to take something.
Bummer !
Anyway, Daniel Hoffman did a fantastic job in building the region "Transgenia" on the Kitely Grid. And to prove that I will take you around on my journey on this piece of virtual land.
But what is Transgenia about ? That is what the profile in the kitely region showcase says:
'A world in flux, Transgenia is evolving slowly after its discovery by an ill-fated research expedition. Arriving, they found a simple world, covered only in oceans, low land masses, and what looks to be bright green algae.
As soon as they began interacting with the eco-system, however... it began to change. It took DNA from them, from their plants and animals, and incorporated it into itself, evolving, mutating, becoming more complex.
And it also changed the colonists one by one, until they disappeared.
Only one is left... and he is not human.'
With all that said, there is not much left for me to tell. So lean back and see some impressions of this incredible world, which is build on three levels. To get there you have to find the appropriate teleporters or transport possibilities on the ground. By the way I survived the visit and came back home save.
For the rest to see, you have to go there, and there is a lot to see. Have a nice Transgenia Day
Kitely Grid, Region Transgenia
Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015
Education: Nova Allegheny
'"...Even if it's as Big as a Mountain!"
The first railroad to circumvent the Allegheny Mountains, the Allegheny Portage Railroad was the finishing piece of the Pennsylvania Mainline Canal. "The Portage," opened in 1834, marking the first time that there was one, direct route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. All things to all people, it served merchants, passengers, slaves in pursuit of freedom, and soldiers from the Mexican War.'
That is the opener of the Web Side about "Allegheny Portage Railroad"
But you do not have to visit the real National Parks of Western Pennsylvania to get an idea about. There is an equivalent in the virtual environment. Just jump over to the VIBE Grid and search for the region "Allegheny" on NOVA to start your tour on the "Allegheny Portage Railroad".
I will try to give a rough overview of the things that will await you here, not going too much in detail. Nova Saunders would be happy to welcome you here. So it is better you explore it more deeper, then I will review it here. ;-)
On the arrival point you will find a big blue board giving you first information about the railroad and opposite you will see an old map of the location in the real environment.
With all that pre-knowledge just walk through the viaduct.
And behind it, you walk on the rails into a scenery towards an old steam engine. An old photo on a board shows another engine, slightly different to the one on the virtual rails.
A stone house with a bigger front yard will catch your attention. It is a replica of a real existing one called "Lemon House".
What it is about the house, you will read on a blue board, and another board will tell you a Web address where to get more info about it (A better solution would be, to place an URL Giver into the board object then to type it off the board, for my opinion).
At the back right side of the "Lemon House" another board is situated, showing a bit of the restoration of the building.
A little bit off is another building of interest. But it looks like an old barn typical for the region but of no real historical importance.
I like the look of the old wagons of the railway, do they remind of a ship hull, cut in half and placed on two flatbed trailors.
At the other end of the rails you can see the front of the rebuild engine house as you can see on the photo boards on each side of the building plus another information board about it.
Walking through the entrance you will walk towards the town of "Portage", but this will be saved for my next story about NOVA.
As you can see, there is a lot of historical information you can gather here on "Allegheny" region.
Get over here, even if you are not that much interested in history. Beside the historical interest, this is a place to be inspired by the buildings and the set ups. Have a look !
VIBE Grid, Region Allegheny
The first railroad to circumvent the Allegheny Mountains, the Allegheny Portage Railroad was the finishing piece of the Pennsylvania Mainline Canal. "The Portage," opened in 1834, marking the first time that there was one, direct route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. All things to all people, it served merchants, passengers, slaves in pursuit of freedom, and soldiers from the Mexican War.'
That is the opener of the Web Side about "Allegheny Portage Railroad"
But you do not have to visit the real National Parks of Western Pennsylvania to get an idea about. There is an equivalent in the virtual environment. Just jump over to the VIBE Grid and search for the region "Allegheny" on NOVA to start your tour on the "Allegheny Portage Railroad".
I will try to give a rough overview of the things that will await you here, not going too much in detail. Nova Saunders would be happy to welcome you here. So it is better you explore it more deeper, then I will review it here. ;-)
On the arrival point you will find a big blue board giving you first information about the railroad and opposite you will see an old map of the location in the real environment.
With all that pre-knowledge just walk through the viaduct.
And behind it, you walk on the rails into a scenery towards an old steam engine. An old photo on a board shows another engine, slightly different to the one on the virtual rails.
A stone house with a bigger front yard will catch your attention. It is a replica of a real existing one called "Lemon House".
What it is about the house, you will read on a blue board, and another board will tell you a Web address where to get more info about it (A better solution would be, to place an URL Giver into the board object then to type it off the board, for my opinion).
At the back right side of the "Lemon House" another board is situated, showing a bit of the restoration of the building.
A little bit off is another building of interest. But it looks like an old barn typical for the region but of no real historical importance.
I like the look of the old wagons of the railway, do they remind of a ship hull, cut in half and placed on two flatbed trailors.
At the other end of the rails you can see the front of the rebuild engine house as you can see on the photo boards on each side of the building plus another information board about it.
Walking through the entrance you will walk towards the town of "Portage", but this will be saved for my next story about NOVA.
As you can see, there is a lot of historical information you can gather here on "Allegheny" region.
Get over here, even if you are not that much interested in history. Beside the historical interest, this is a place to be inspired by the buildings and the set ups. Have a look !
VIBE Grid, Region Allegheny
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