It's a little land area with a small park and two buildings on it, the rest is water. That is one sees when coming to "Nihilon" on the Grid "Dorena's World". But that is only the tip of the region.
The first building I visited is a Club. It's build halfway on land and halfway into the sea. The club is called the "Rock House" with an over sized hamster welcoming the guests.
A typical club with bar, dance floor, DJ booth and relaxing zone.
But the more interesting building is the one next beside. It is hosting some kind of an underwater steampunk scientific institute.
The rooms on the upper floor are sparsely or not furnished and look as for the living, while the rooms on ground level house some offices and exhibition shelves of maritime specimens.
But the more interesting is the door system to "Cap'n Nemo's Underwater Observatory".
The first few meters one walks through a metal tube which changes to glass tubes to observe the under world of "Nihilon". Every so often the tubes end at a double door system which gives entrance to different laboratories or offices or relaxing rooms. Windows give fantastic views to the world in the water. Like crashed airplanes, fantastic underwater life and landscaping with ancient temple ruins.
The observatory itself, with its many tube floors, is a maze in itself and it takes a while to see it all. In one of the rooms you have a lock from where you can exit the system and start your diving.
And what you will experience outside you have to check by yourself. Just a few impressions as a teaser ;-)
"Nihilon" is a great region built by Anachron Young. Exploring the world will take some time and don't forget to take your diving suite with you.
Tipping my hat.
Dorena's World Region Nihilon
Danke für den schönen Bildbericht. :-)